Carol Theobald, a former Mayor of Brighton and Hove, has been a councillor for Patcham Ward for 30 years and serves as Conservative Planning Spokesperson on the Planning Committee. Carol is also a member and past chairman of the Licensing Committee and a member and former vice chairman of East Sussex Fire Authority. She is a member of the Local Government Association Fire Commission that represents all Fire Authorities.
Carol has strong commitment to charitable causes and is currently President of Brighton and Hove Mencap, Vice President of Sussex Red Cross and a Trustee of the Brighton and Hove CEDP Chinese Centre.
Carol has a deep connection to Patcham and Hollingbury , where she was born and educated. Carol is an Associate Governor of Patcham High School and has been President of Patcham Horticultural Society for many years. She has been involved in many successful campaigns for the Patcham and Hollingbury community, including protecting Patcham Court Farm and the adjoining allotments from a superstore development, and a large park and ride scheme at Braypool, and more recently campaigned against residential development adjoining Horsdean Recreation Ground and the Ladies Mile Open Space.
Carol says:
"I grew up and attended the local schools in Patcham and Hollingbury. It is a pleasant place to live and has a lovely community. Residents are very supportive especially if there are important issues in the ward.
“I’m concerned about the proposal for Royal Mail to move to the Patcham Court Farm site, retaining Carden Primary School as a two-form entry school, the facilities in the playgrounds, the dreadful appearance of the Patcham roundabout, development on the urban fringe, litter on the A27, missed refuse and recycling collections, potholes and the condition of the grass verges.”