With another hot weekend ahead, the Conservative Group has raised concerns that narrow access points on the Brighton and Hove seafront could become bottlenecks where COVID-19 could be spread.
Conservative Councillor Professor Samer Bagaeen said that with more people now venturing out the council needed much better crowd control measures at beaches to avoid a deterioration in the city’s public health position with respect to COVID19.
“While people can socially distance themselves out in the open air while on the beach, it is impossible for them to do so when using the two narrow staircases that remain open as access points to the seafront in Kemptown.
“If the Council is going to continue with its policy of keeping the beaches open, they must consider much better entry and exit control measures, including one way systems for pedestrians” he said.
Conservative Group Transport Spokesperson Lee Wares raised similar concerns about access points to the council’s only designated closed road, Madeira Drive.
“The council to great fanfare, closed Madeira Drive to general traffic and encouraged the space to be used for cycling and walking. Above Madeira Drive as we know, is the wide boulevard of Marine Parade” Cllr Wares said.
“However, it seems that the consequence of not thinking this through is that thousands of people encouraged to this area are having to squeeze by each other on the only two staircases that link these locations.
“Obviously there is the ramp and the extreme ends of Madeira Drive for people to safely use. Regardless, people will try to find the shortest route between two points and the staircases could now become areas of close contact between individuals.
“We are calling on administration to advise what plans are being put in place to ensure that people can still use the staircases without the risk of spreading Covid-19.
“For example, could one stairway be up only and the other down only? It may require more signage or physical marshalling but that would be better than the implied position that the stairs are OK to cross by on” he said.