I would first like to express my concern for developments proposed on the Urban Fringe, particularly the piece of land by Patcham's Horsdean Recreation Ground.
This is Downland and was designated as an area of outstanding natural beauty. This appalling proposal will mean the destruction of numerous trees and adversely affect wildlife. It has understandably received the most objections from any proposals in the Plan as it will significantly change the setting of the Recreation Ground and the immediate area. I hope that the council will listen to our residents and delete this.
My colleagues will be speaking on this subject.
Turning to design and buildings these could be much improved especially some of the designs.
Regarding DM26 it is important to keep traditional and original features where possible and in Conservation Areas we are recommending that the rear of buildings should be included.
And for example timber sash windows and doors should be specified rather than a cheap material such as plastic.
DM18 refers to a maintenance plan for buildings. After the second sentence there should be added a paragraph stating that it should be demonstrated how the quality of materials used will be secured over time.
For example metal cladding that rusts, timber cladding that quickly deteriorates and white render that will get dirty and attract graffiti should be avoided.
On the subject of maintenance of the Hippodrome a wonderful building the deteriorating condition of which blights the Old Town, perhaps the Council should make a bigger effort to try and get the latest of the succession of different owners to renovate it with perhaps a reference to the council making a compulsory purchase order as its value must be diminishing by the day.
Geoffrey managed to get the Bandstand Renovated by the council when he was Cabinet member for Environment.
Finally D20 Protection of Amenity.
The first sentence should state applicants will be encouraged to engage and consult with neighbours and/or community groups in accordance with the adopted Statement of Community Involvement.
This is very important for protection and amenity when designing a new development visual privacy and overlooking, outlook and overshadowing, sunlight and daylight should be taken into account. This should particularly be the case with new buildings, roof terraces and balconies.