Council should support local businesses reopening by waiving fees levied for placing tables and chairs on pavements, say Conservatives
At Environment, Transport and Sustainability Committee, Conservatives called for the council to waive the fees and charges it levies on businesses that want to place tables and chairs on the pavement. This follows the initiative already undertaken by West Sussex County Council.
Conservative Highway’s spokesperson, Councillor Lee Wares said “The Council charges businesses for the licence to place tables and chairs on the pavement. However, at a time when we need to support our businesses recover from the pandemic especially when they need to create space to maintain social distancing, the council should waive those fees and charges.”
“It would still need the council to inspect and issue the licences to make sure pavements are not blocked and the siting of furniture is appropriate”.
“It was disappointing that Labour only managed to agree to look into the matter and were not prepared to waive the fees. My request was of no surprise to them as they had the question on the agenda a couple of weeks before Committee met; and as we know with this Administration, if it only goes as far as “looking at it”, it means it won’t”.
“What was a surprise was that a reason for not being able to commit to the request was that the council would have to consider the impact on the council’s finances by the loss in revenue. However, the council is not permitted to “make a profit” from statutory licensing schemes. The level of fees and charges should only be such that it is not greater than the cost of issuing the licence.”
“If the council are making profits from statutory licensing schemes then that is a bigger issue to be investigated because it is not permitted.”
“So we ask again, please would the Labour Administration waive all fees and charges associated with licensing the use of public space for tables and chairs and for those businesses that have already paid for this year, the council issues them a refund”.