Driver training schools for juggernauts or heavy goods vehicles are currently using residential streets in Hangleton Valley for their lessons.
Residents have reported that streets including Hangleton Valley Drive, Broad Rig Avenue, St Helen’s Drive and Hangleton Way are being used by extremely large heavy goods vehicles for these lessons and that companies favour training their drivers in this area due to the road width.
Residents would like some respite from the heavy vehicles, which is detracting from the amenity of their neighbourhood and causing vibrations under houses and have requested that the council either puts in place a 7.5 or 3 tonne restriction to stop the extremely heavy goods vehicles using them.
Residential streets in Hangleton Valley should not be used for juggernaut training for the following reasons:
- The Council’s Highway Search Information Map shows that these roads in this part of Hangleton are ‘unclassified local roads’. They should therefore not be being used for juggernaut training.
- These roads are also all part of the Hangleton Conservation area. It would not be tolerated in other parts of the city if conservation areas were being used for juggernaut training, so it shouldn’t be here either.
This petition led by Cllr Dawn Barnett and Cllr Nick Lewry calls for the council to put weight restrictions in place to protect the residential areas of Hangleton Valley and stop extremely heavy goods vehicles using them for training.
Information about this petition
This petition about stopping juggernauts using residential streets for Driver Training in Hangleton Valley will run until Wednesday 19 October 2022, at which point it will be presented to the Full Council meeting. Your petition signature will be retained until a decision is made by Brighton & Hove City Council on whether to stop juggernauts using residential streets in Hangleton Valley for Driver Trainng.