Bring back Brighton & Hove City in Bloom!

Petition to bring back Brighton & Hove City in Bloom!

The state of the City in summer seems to have dropped off the priority list for our Council.


The City used to have an annual City in Bloom Competition that boosted civic pride by encouraging plant displays across the City.  The competition was divided into different categories, including residents’ gardens, geographical areas, best streets, best shops and public houses, with an award ceremony at a seafront hotel each year.


City in Bloom was an inexpensive competition, just requiring a bit of coordination and leadership from the council.  The only expenses were producing application forms which were sent out and the awards ceremony itself.  A City in Bloom Committee of horticultural volunteers went around the city judging the displays.  The prizes were sponsored so the council didn’t have to pay for them.


The Council has let this event fold, and our local Horticultural Society is on the verge of extinction due to a lack of support from the Council.  Many of the city's flowerbeds are currently bare and overgrown with weeds.


Enough is enough.  There can be no excuse from the Council for failing to maintain the flowerbeds in the city.


Let's bring back an annual city in bloom event and restore some civic pride in our city!


Information about this petition


This petition about bringing back Brighton & Hove City in Bloom will run until Thursday 16 December 2021, at which point it will be presented to the Full Council meeting . Your petition signature will be retained until a decision is made by Brighton & Hove City Council on whether to bring back an annual Brighton & Hove City in Bloom event.


Petition to bring back Brighton & Hove City in Bloom!

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I agree that Brighton & Hove City Council should bring back an annual Brighton and Hove City in Bloom event.


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